Tags: "aldomo moro"

16 Mar 1978, Rome, Italy --- Original caption: Rome: Former Premier Aldo Moro (shown in 3/10/76) file photo, 61, Italy's most influential politician , was savagely kidnapped here and his five bodyguards shot to death by six Red Brigade terrorist's disguised as airline pilots. The kidnapping touched off huge demonstrations for law and order in Rome and other cities, and millions of workers walked off their jobs to protest the murders and the kidnapping and to demand an end to the violence which strikes in Italy on an average of every four hours and six minutes. Labor unions declared a 13-hour strike of protest. --- Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

Moro e la Costituzione antifascista

Ricorre domani il quarantacinquesimo anniversario dell’ uccisione del Presidente Moro. Lo ricordiamo riportando, dall’ intervento che tenne, in Assemblea Costituente, il 13 marzo 1947, un breve stralcio, laddove sostiene – con argomenti che valgono tuttora e sembrano scritti per orientare ancora oggi la nostra riflessione – che la Costituzione non può essere “afascista”, come, fin d’allora, taluni proponevano, ma esplicitamente […]